This is the most extensive youth project that the Göttingen International Handel Festival has ever put together in its 101-year history – with around 200 young participants! In several workshops, they have created their very own interpretation of the story about the General Ezio in the form of game, fabric, dance and text material. For this they were supported by professional artists. In the film production two planes are intermingled: The music teacher is the undefeated champion in the Game of Rome.
Together with his friends, Erik aims to topple him from his throne in revenge for being exposed. But soon the game and reality become intertwined. In the process, the film deals with questions regarding power structures, gender roles and one's personal role in life. In cooperation with the Georg-Lichtenberg-Gesamtschule, the Hainberg-Gymnasium and the BBS 2, a passionate contemporary chronicle was created.